Just Chatting

About a name:

So for my blog I have to start by stating the reason behind the name. Their are so many crafty blog names where ever you look. 

SO the name may seem odd. The Smith part of it, is our last name. The PJS is twofold. My favorite gift for Christmas growing up was the set of Pajamas my grandmother gave me every year. The second part of that is my A nickname my mother came up with for my children The PJS.

It stands for the names of my 3 littles Persephone, Jovienne and Sampson. Sampson is my oldest and Persephone my first girl and Jovienne my second and bonus girl. Well as a mom I was thrilled it’s so cute and to top it off we have a long standing joke with me and PJS so it stuck.


So that’s really it. Most of my blog will be about my family and the going on of raising 3 in this day and age. As well as all my crafty adventures of the Smith’s. I hope you stick around and see some of the fun.  This little ditty was to share with you where the name came from.

So I know this is short but i wanted to share this little bit with you. I expect to be sharing with you the origins of each of their names soonish.