Just Chatting

Mom blog on the way!

Photo of my family on a train 3 children, their mom and dad and 2 grand parents

Mom on a blog

Gosh, how does one get started I guess I’ll just start. I’m a mom, but that’s not all I am. This is probably the 5th blog I’ve tried to create, most of which was before I actually became a mom. I finally feel like I truly have something to contribute. So I plan on this being the posts about my life, family and everything else that makes me mom.

Honestly, so many other times I have tried to start a blog on what others might like to read. Now I just want to put those things that I’d like to share out there and maybe someone will want to read it. More than anything think it’ll be a great place for me to utilize my creativity. Maybe without having to go out an purchase any more supplies. I plan on sharing with you so many things. I’ll make my next post about what you can expect from this blog. Being a mom has been an amazing journey so at and I am proud of the littles I have raised.

Me as a mom

As a mom I really have found some cool and seemingly innovative things in my home and life. My husband is not joyous about my crafting but he loves me and is willing to let me have the spare room. I know this all too well even though he’d rather have it as the kids playroom. I am a mom to three wonderful kiddos. We had only ever planned on having two kids but we were given an unexpected third.

When we got married I was told to not expect any girls as there hadn’t been any in my husbands family in several generations. But I’ll share more on that later. If you stumble across this page say Hi and leave a comment if there is anything you’d like to see.


I hope you’ll read, grow and share along with me. I promise I’ll try and write again soon.